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Host Earnings and Payouts
Updated over 2 weeks ago

As a TrovaTrip Host, understanding how earnings and payouts work is essential for managing your trips effectively. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the TrovaTrip support team for guidance and support.

Earnings Advance

TrovaTrip offers Hosts the option to request an Earnings Advance, which is an advancement sent to cover flight costs. Hosts can request an amount up to the maximum they are earning at the minimum number of spots sold, typically 8 spots. This earnings cap is dependent on the new and returning Hosts:

  • New Hosts can request up to $1000

  • Renewal Hosts can request up to $2500

We updated our policy to ensure Hosts receive their earnings for cancellations occurring after the booking deadline (at around 50 days before the trip starts) when the Traveler has paid in full. Previously, Hosts did not receive earnings for canceled Travelers, which was seen as unfair. The new policy and product update now reflect this change, ensuring accurate Host Earnings.

Issuing Earnings Advance

Once you confirm your trip and submit your w9, we'll issue your Earnings Advance typically around 90 days before the trip starts. This will occur through our payment partner, Veem.

Payment Schedule

TrovaTrip pays Hosts 50% of their earnings for each paid-in-full customer prior to the trip start date, with the remaining 50% paid upon trip completion. Earnings are calculated 30 days before the trip, and the first payment is sent 5-10 business days following this calculation. The final 50% is issued once your trip is completed.

Payment Method

All payments from TrovaTrip are sent via Veem, ensuring a secure and reliable payment process.

Eligibility for Payment

Hosts become eligible for payment when the minimum number of travelers required for the trip to operate has been booked and the trip has been Confirmed.

Returning a Host Payment

Should a Host need to cancel a trip, and have already received payment via either Earnings Advance or for the initial 50%, they will be required to issue the payment back to TrovaTrip. This will be requested via Veem and is required by our Hosting Service Agreement. Any extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by our internal teams.

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