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All About the Trip Form

Traveler questions about the Trip Form

Updated over a year ago

All trips stop and start with the Trip Form on your Booking page. Our team relies on the information entered there to account for most of your trip experience. This includes flights, passport information, dietary restrictions, roommate assignments, and more. Missing or incorrect information can result in you missing out on activities, and accommodation needs or even can result in a cancelation of your booking!

Flight Information

This is where you enter your arrival and departure information related to your flights. For best practices on this, check out our article on Flight Info. This information will ensure you are added to transfers correctly, as well as confirm with our local Operators for their requirements.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance is always recommended and (sometimes required for certain trips). Double-check your policy number and carrier when submitting this information. For more information, check out our page on Traveler Insurance.

Special Requests

The Special Request field is a place for you to request certain preferences or accommodation needs for your trip. While we cannot guarantee that these can be met for every trip, we will always work with our Travelers and Operators to try and achieve this! If you are traveling with another person and want to share a room with them, be sure to enter their name in the Roommate field. See more information about this in our Roommate article.

Passport Information

Your passport is key to traveling anywhere, but especially internationally! Take the time to verify that the entered information is correct, up-to-date, and valid. Most countries will not accept a passport that expires in 6 months or less, and consider them invalid.

Emergency Contact

Exactly as it sounds, this information should be your contact in case of any emergency during your trip. Ensure that their email and phone number are valid and up-to-date.

Allergies and Dietary Preferences

Our Operators and Itineraries will often be able to accommodate a range of dietary restrictions, allergies, and preferences. However, for some planned meals and activities, we do require this information to ensure that we are able to offer an option to meet your needs. We cannot guarantee that we can meet every need or restriction, but you can work with the Operator or Guide on-trip to make accommodations!

Assigned Roommate Information

We strive for belonging, safety, and comfort when traveling on a Trova trip and this includes pairing roommates for hotels. We try to match the identified gender, preferences, and the information submitted above to ensure a natural and accommodating matching with your roommate on the trip. You will be paired for the entirety of the trip, so we want to make sure you both have a good time!

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